Understanding Autism

Two handprints in multicolour paints with scrabble tiles below that spell out the word Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects how individuals perceive the world, communicate, and interact with others. With increased awareness and understanding, society is moving towards a more inclusive approach that recognises the strengths and challenges of autistic individuals.

What is Autism?

Autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning it manifests differently in every individual. Some people may have difficulty with verbal communication, while others may be highly articulate but struggle with social cues. Common traits include repetitive behaviours, intense focus on specific interests, sensory sensitivities, and differences in learning styles.

Short tips for navigating university as an autistic person

  • Register with the Disability Service in your university as soon as possible and see     what they can offer.
  • Know your rights when it comes to education and accessibility – here’s a guide on how to tell people about your disability.
  • Remember you are likely not the only autistic student in your institution. Find other people– via the disability service or relevant societies, it is easier to self-advocate and generally exist together.